Rudy For President!

I want a strong executive who can kick butt. I do have problems with some of Rudy’s other ideas, But, Rudy is the only hope to stop the inevitability of a Hillary Administration.

Everyone needs to come to grips with this reality- the country simply will not elect another southern bible belt good ole boy. It just won’t

3 responses to “Rudy For President!

  1. I still have to see.

    I really like Fred Thompson, but Guliani will be my guy if Fred doesnt jump in.

    We still have time, as long as we nominate the most electable Republican Candidate that will get Congress up off their butts and shut up the far left loones.

    I want the best Republican for the job

  2. As marie said, I want the best Republican for the job.

    However I will support whoever gets the nod.

  3. Everyone needs to come to grips with this reality you say??

    Here’s a reality for ya: Given Giuliani’s socially liberal positions on a whole host of issues, your beloved “America’s Mayor” has virtually no chance of winning the South (something I might add will be absolutely crucial were he to face Hillary).

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